More details about customizing PVC patches
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More details about customizing PVC patches

Last week, many customers came to inquire about the customization of PVC patches after reviewing our article.This week, we will discuss more details about customizing PVC patches.

PVC patches are a type of patch made of soft, durable plastic called polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They are highly customizable and can be made in any shape and size, allowing for intricate designs and details. They are known for their durability, as they do not fade, fray, crack, or peel, making them ideal for widely uses such as camping gear, backpacks, and jackets. They can also be used as labels for a kind of garment accessory and outdoor equipment.

A、What are the benefits of PVC patches?

First, PVC patches are durable and flexible, making them ideal for widely use.
Additionally, PVC patches can be recycled and repurposed, making them an environmentally friendly option compared to other types of patches.

Moreover, making your own PVC patches allows for custom design and creativity, as you can create patches in any shape, size, and color you desire, especially with relative affordable cost. By making your own PVC patches, you can have unique and personalized patches that suit your specific needs and style.

B、How to make PVC patches? 

Designing the PVC patch is the first step in the process of making PVC patches. The design of the PVC patch must be created with certain factors in mind.

The shape of the PVC patch can either be a circle, square, or rectangle, and you can create your own shape if you prefer.

Color is an important element for PVC emblems. the basic rule is to match the original design or logo.

Firstly, consider the number of colors you want to use in your design. Soft rubber patches offer a range of colors to choose from. However, it is recommended to use 1-3 colors for simpler designs and 4-6 colors for more complex designs.

Another important aspect to consider is the type of design you have in mind. Colored soft PVC patches allow for solid colors only, which means gradients are not possible. As in production, liquid PVC poured into a metal mold, cannot make the gradual color change. Well, if necessary, you can use extra printing combine with the PVC coloring to keep the gradient color effect. But the printed logo won't be as strong enough as the colored area. Please take this point into consideration when you create the designs. 

When choosing the proper size for your custom PVC patch, consider the level of detail in your design as well as the intended use of the patch. PVC patches can be molded to virtually any shape and size.

Additionally, it is important to note that PVC patches come in different thickness options, such as 2mm, 3mm, and 4mm. Thinner patches are lighter and more flexible, while thicker patches offer more durability and sturdiness. Keep in mind that PVC patches are generally costlier than custom embroidered patches due to the custom molds used in the development process, and order minimums are usually higher.

C、Choosing Patch Backing

When designing a custom PVC patch, one important consideration is the backing option. Here are some of the most common patch backing options for custom PVC patches:
Sew-On Backing

This is the most traditional and secure backing option. A sew-on backing is simply just plain for the PVC patch backside that the patch can be sewn onto the item using a needle and thread. Sew-on backings are a great choice if you want a permanent patch that won’t come off easily. We'll generally leave a recessed metal line for your to sew them more easier. 
Adhesive Backing
An adhesive backing is a peel-and-stick option that can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces. The adhesive is strong and durable, but it may not be the best choice for items that will be exposed to extreme temperatures or heavy wear and tear.

Velcro Backing (Hook and loop backing)
Velcro backing is a popular choice because it allows you to easily remove and reattach the patch. Velcro backing is ideal if you want to move the patch from one item to another or if you need to remove the patch temporarily for washing or cleaning.

Magnetic Backing
The magnetic backing is a unique option that uses a small, powerful magnet to attach the patch to the item. It is a good choice if you don’t want to sew, heat seal, pin, or stick the patch to the item. Generally, it would be used as a fridge magnet or a badge to wear. 

However, magnetic backing may not be suitable for items that will be exposed to strong magnetic fields.
Button Loop Backing
Button loop backing is a small loop of thread or fabric that can be used to attach the patch to a button. This is a simple and secure option, but it may not be the best choice for items that will be exposed to heavy wear and tear.

It’s worth noting that some companies may offer additional or different backing options, so it’s always a good idea to check with the manufacturer to see what options are available for your custom PVC patch.

Additionally, some backing options may cost extra, so be sure to factor that into your budget when ordering your patches.


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